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What is Buyaholic’s Community Guidelines?
What is Buyaholic’s Community Guidelines?
Updated over 5 months ago

We hope all of you can have a friendly platform to share online shopping experiences in a simple and easy way. In order to maintain the quality of post and users’ experiences, we created the Community Guidelines for all Buyaholic members to follow. By using Buyaholic, you agree to these guidelines.

Buyaholic’s Community Guidelines

  1. Follow the law and respect IPR

    The post content includes products itself, images and url of the products and the content posted/shared. Follow the law, respect Intellectual property rights (IPR) and foster originality. Always avoid overusing the product description from the seller.

  2. Be relevant to your products shared

    The post content should be related to the product you share and your shopping experiences of the products. For examples,

    • a. How you purchase the product

    • b. How good/bad the product is

    • c. In which sites you recommend buying the product

  3. Protect your privacy

    Never share any personal information on Buyaholic. No matter whose particulars are, yours or the one of the others, please do not disclose any personal information on profiles and posts.

  4. Do not collusively earn Buyaholic points or advocate other users to do so

    In order to maintain fairness and post quality, please do not collusively earn Buyaholic points or advocate other users to do so.
    For example, your profile including the profile picture and description should not contain any wordings or images carrying the exact or similar ideas of collusive Buyaholic points earning by requesting likes/follows one another are prohibited. Any profile that violates the rule will be reset to the default setting without further notice.

  5. No marketing promotions or commercial activities of third parties

    No marketing promotions or commercial activities of third parties, promotions of services of other companies and sell/buy products/services are allowed on Buyaholic.

  6. Keep your post content appropriate

    Do not post any inappropriate content, including text and images. Any content that will affect users’ experience, such as causing offence/annoyance are regarded as inappropriate content.

    Inappropriate content (including but not limited to):

    • a. Foul language

    • b. Content that are irrelevant to the products

    • c. Images that cause others discomfort

    • d. Inconsistent text and image

    • e. Content that is illegal or may violate laws and regulations, etc.

All content posted or published on Buyaholic are the personal opinions of the users, which does not represent the stance of Buy&Ship. Buy&Ship does not have any responsibility or liability for users' comments.

Before getting your posts published, you may need to remove inappropriate content in the posts if any.

Buy&Ship reserves the right to forfeit any Buyaholic points earned by unscrupulous means.

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